
Posting a Tweet on your Blogger blog post URL in your Twitter page mostly the primary image on your post will not show in twitter feed, it’s because the blogger template on your site has no twitter card snippet, mostly templates has not set for Twitter Card is free template. In this Blogger Tips ill […]

Robots.txt is important on every website or blog because this file will be submit on Google Webmaster tool, this process instruct the google web crawlers on how to index and crawl your website in the search results. Robots.txt is a text which contains few lines of syntax for web crawlers. It is saved on the […]

In this video tutorial let’s talk about on how to make money with blog for beginners, this is not a direct making money on actual i will introduce the ways on making money in blogging, but in the future i will update this post on how in actual. I will Introduce the advertising placement service […]

Contact form in your blog is way to get in touch to you from the visitors in your blog if they want to ask a question from your content they will find the contact us page to your site or blog and write a message and send it to you. Contact form in blogger are […]

First time users, many of them encounter this little problem, if you add the default search widget in layout panel, after saving the widget and hit view blog and test search widget, it returns ‘No Result’, not working right? You may wondering why happened this issue? Even your search keyword is correct. Some blogger […]