
Posting a Tweet on your Blogger blog post URL in your Twitter page mostly the primary image on your post will not show in twitter feed, it’s because the blogger template on your site has no twitter card snippet, mostly templates has not set for Twitter Card is free template. In this Blogger Tips ill […]

In this Blogger tutorial we will add the Popup Widget box, this Popup is very simple design it will show on the center in any page on blogger site, This popup helps to your site engagement for Facebook Likes if put facebook page plugin or adds engagement for email subscribers, Popup Widget Box is effective […]

Robots.txt is important on every website or blog because this file will be submit on Google Webmaster tool, this process instruct the google web crawlers on how to index and crawl your website in the search results. Robots.txt is a text which contains few lines of syntax for web crawlers. It is saved on the […]

Adding noindex and nofollow meta tag in particular page is very important specially in Privacy Policy Page, Disclaimer and Sitemap Page or not important to index the page, the special mention page in Blogger Tutorial for Beginner Course in the Privacy Policy Page, we need to add because the content of the that page is […]

If you have a designed logo for your blog, and if you want to add the logo in your blog header, there have a two options to do this, the first option is easy, you can upload the logo via blogger’s page header gadget in Layout section in blogger admin side, the second option […]

Related posts with thumbnails in blog is very helpful, most blogs have related posts I should recommend to add it to your blogger blog. The Related posts most put at the end of the blog post, the user engage to this related post to your blog, they likely to click it and your blog gain […]

Blogger breadcrumbs is very useful in our blog, it’s very helpful to the users it shows where the users navigate in the blog or website, especially in ecommerce website, if your eCommerce site has lots of categories and sub categories breadcrumbs is very helpful, not only for eCommerce, breadcrumbs also useful for blog. The benefits […]