
Jquery is most popular JavaScript library in the world, most web developers used jquery in there development because it is easy for newbies, jquery have a lots function and effects like form validation, animation, image slider and popup div box. A web developer or designer we can apply this jquery effects very easy in our […]

Jquery is the most popular JavaScript library, and makes easy for our work web development projects, there have a lots of useful functions and tricks of Jquery such as form validation, onchange, click trigger and hiding the elements and especially in Ajax makes short and easy. I try pure Ajax before and the script is […]

In Web Development, there have forms we need to secure and validate using Regexp Javascript or Regular Expression, in some cases are registration form, transaction forms such as valid email, valid postal code, matching strong password and securities. In this article, I compiled the useful of JavaScript Regular Expression, this is the most common Regexp […]

In registration form mostly in web 2.0, email address is required to register for each user. In registration form we need to check email address from the database using Ajax to avoid the email duplicates, and the form tell the user the email inputted is exist and we need to change the email address. In […]

If you are beginner in PHP development, you might wondering how to delete rows of data triggered in check all and delete. We can do that with jquery to be able to click event all check boxes and process with php behind. In this web development tutorial we will show you, using PHP and jQuery […]

Validating forms is extremely important in our web development, we need to validate the form such as registration form and contact form or any input form in our site to prevent human errors and malicious value’s and make valid value before inserting in the database. Early 90’s validation the web forms is complicated to code, […]

I research jQuery blink text effects, but some’s jQuery example in the other blog / sites is not working properly well and not working of all browsers eg: internet explorer, and there have a lot of jquery plugins out there can perform blinking text some others easy to set up and some are complicated. And […]