
Here you can find the tools we use for our daily task.

If you have a designed logo for your blog, and if you want to add the logo in your blog header, there have a two options to do this, the first option is easy, you can upload the logo via blogger’s page header gadget in Layout section in blogger admin side, the second option […]

Related posts with thumbnails in blog is very helpful, most blogs have related posts I should recommend to add it to your blogger blog. The Related posts most put at the end of the blog post, the user engage to this related post to your blog, they likely to click it and your blog gain […]

Blogger breadcrumbs is very useful in our blog, it’s very helpful to the users it shows where the users navigate in the blog or website, especially in ecommerce website, if your eCommerce site has lots of categories and sub categories breadcrumbs is very helpful, not only for eCommerce, breadcrumbs also useful for blog. The benefits […]

Contact form in your blog is way to get in touch to you from the visitors in your blog if they want to ask a question from your content they will find the contact us page to your site or blog and write a message and send it to you. Contact form in blogger are […]

Blogger sitemap page is not available by default in the blogger admin panel at this time, maybe in the future or it is not available in the blogger widgets, to create a blogger sitemap page is to drop a little HTML code in the page, but don’t worry there have already HTML code below and […]

First time users, many of them encounter this little problem, if you add the default search widget in layout panel, after saving the widget and hit view blog and test search widget, it returns ‘No Result’, not working right? You may wondering why happened this issue? Even your search keyword is correct. Some blogger […]