WooCommerce Tutorial: How to Remove Specific Countries in Checkout Page

Welcome on this my first on WooCommerce Tutorial tips, i have current project on wooCommerce and every i learned on this big project, i decide to share on this blog.

The first customization on this wooCommerce site, is Removing the Specific Countries in Checkout Page, i research on how to do this, off course i get a piece of php code to put in the function.php

You can able to remove any specific countries in the checkout page on this code, it will override the function showing the country list in the dropdown in checkout page, but will not use this method, it’s because will cause a unfunctionally of State field in checkout page.

Will the go the best way to Remove Specific Countries

Actually we will not removing any countries in Woocommerce, instead we will assign a specific countries to your target customer to sell, this is the best way than php code in the function.php

Ok let’s go..

Login to your admin, Go to Woocommerce -> Settings

in ‘General Options’, then ‘Sell to specific countries’ Choose ‘Sell to specific countries’ in the drop down.

here’s mine, on my site.

As you see in the screenshot i add a specific countries in ‘Sell to specific countries’ that’s countries will show only in the checkout page and Customer’s My Account Page and Addresses.

for bonus reference on your project, Here’s the woocommerce countries list in array format.

    [AX] => Åland Islands
    [AF] => Afghanistan
    [AL] => Albania
    [DZ] => Algeria
    [AS] => American Samoa
    [AD] => Andorra
    [AO] => Angola
    [AI] => Anguilla
    [AQ] => Antarctica
    [AG] => Antigua and Barbuda
    [AR] => Argentina
    [AM] => Armenia
    [AW] => Aruba
    [AU] => Australia
    [AT] => Austria
    [AZ] => Azerbaijan
    [BS] => Bahamas
    [BH] => Bahrain
    [BD] => Bangladesh
    [BB] => Barbados
    [BY] => Belarus
    [PW] => Belau
    [BE] => Belgium
    [BZ] => Belize
    [BJ] => Benin
    [BM] => Bermuda
    [BT] => Bhutan
    [BO] => Bolivia
    [BQ] => Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba
    [BA] => Bosnia and Herzegovina
    [BW] => Botswana
    [BV] => Bouvet Island
    [BR] => Brazil
    [IO] => British Indian Ocean Territory
    [VG] => British Virgin Islands
    [BN] => Brunei
    [BG] => Bulgaria
    [BF] => Burkina Faso
    [BI] => Burundi
    [KH] => Cambodia
    [CM] => Cameroon
    [CA] => Canada
    [CV] => Cape Verde
    [KY] => Cayman Islands
    [CF] => Central African Republic
    [TD] => Chad
    [CL] => Chile
    [CN] => China
    [CX] => Christmas Island
    [CC] => Cocos (Keeling) Islands
    [CO] => Colombia
    [KM] => Comoros
    [CG] => Congo (Brazzaville)
    [CD] => Congo (Kinshasa)
    [CK] => Cook Islands
    [CR] => Costa Rica
    [HR] => Croatia
    [CU] => Cuba
    [CW] => Curaçao
    [CY] => Cyprus
    [CZ] => Czech Republic
    [DK] => Denmark
    [DJ] => Djibouti
    [DM] => Dominica
    [DO] => Dominican Republic
    [EC] => Ecuador
    [EG] => Egypt
    [SV] => El Salvador
    [GQ] => Equatorial Guinea
    [ER] => Eritrea
    [EE] => Estonia
    [ET] => Ethiopia
    [FK] => Falkland Islands
    [FO] => Faroe Islands
    [FJ] => Fiji
    [FI] => Finland
    [FR] => France
    [GF] => French Guiana
    [PF] => French Polynesia
    [TF] => French Southern Territories
    [GA] => Gabon
    [GM] => Gambia
    [GE] => Georgia
    [DE] => Germany
    [GH] => Ghana
    [GI] => Gibraltar
    [GR] => Greece
    [GL] => Greenland
    [GD] => Grenada
    [GP] => Guadeloupe
    [GU] => Guam
    [GT] => Guatemala
    [GG] => Guernsey
    [GN] => Guinea
    [GW] => Guinea-Bissau
    [GY] => Guyana
    [HT] => Haiti
    [HM] => Heard Island and McDonald Islands
    [HN] => Honduras
    [HK] => Hong Kong
    [HU] => Hungary
    [IS] => Iceland
    [IN] => India
    [ID] => Indonesia
    [IR] => Iran
    [IQ] => Iraq
    [IE] => Ireland
    [IM] => Isle of Man
    [IL] => Israel
    [IT] => Italy
    [CI] => Ivory Coast
    [JM] => Jamaica
    [JP] => Japan
    [JE] => Jersey
    [JO] => Jordan
    [KZ] => Kazakhstan
    [KE] => Kenya
    [KI] => Kiribati
    [KW] => Kuwait
    [KG] => Kyrgyzstan
    [LA] => Laos
    [LV] => Latvia
    [LB] => Lebanon
    [LS] => Lesotho
    [LR] => Liberia
    [LY] => Libya
    [LI] => Liechtenstein
    [LT] => Lithuania
    [LU] => Luxembourg
    [MO] => Macao S.A.R., China
    [MK] => Macedonia
    [MG] => Madagascar
    [MW] => Malawi
    [MY] => Malaysia
    [MV] => Maldives
    [ML] => Mali
    [MT] => Malta
    [MH] => Marshall Islands
    [MQ] => Martinique
    [MR] => Mauritania
    [MU] => Mauritius
    [YT] => Mayotte
    [MX] => Mexico
    [FM] => Micronesia
    [MD] => Moldova
    [MC] => Monaco
    [MN] => Mongolia
    [ME] => Montenegro
    [MS] => Montserrat
    [MA] => Morocco
    [MZ] => Mozambique
    [MM] => Myanmar
    [NA] => Namibia
    [NR] => Nauru
    [NP] => Nepal
    [NL] => Netherlands
    [NC] => New Caledonia
    [NZ] => New Zealand
    [NI] => Nicaragua
    [NE] => Niger
    [NG] => Nigeria
    [NU] => Niue
    [NF] => Norfolk Island
    [KP] => North Korea
    [MP] => Northern Mariana Islands
    [NO] => Norway
    [OM] => Oman
    [PK] => Pakistan
    [PS] => Palestinian Territory
    [PA] => Panama
    [PG] => Papua New Guinea
    [PY] => Paraguay
    [PE] => Peru
    [PH] => Philippines
    [PN] => Pitcairn
    [PL] => Poland
    [PT] => Portugal
    [PR] => Puerto Rico
    [QA] => Qatar
    [RE] => Reunion
    [RO] => Romania
    [RU] => Russia
    [RW] => Rwanda
    [ST] => São Tomé and Príncipe
    [BL] => Saint Barthélemy
    [SH] => Saint Helena
    [KN] => Saint Kitts and Nevis
    [LC] => Saint Lucia
    [SX] => Saint Martin (Dutch part)
    [MF] => Saint Martin (French part)
    [PM] => Saint Pierre and Miquelon
    [VC] => Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    [WS] => Samoa
    [SM] => San Marino
    [SA] => Saudi Arabia
    [SN] => Senegal
    [RS] => Serbia
    [SC] => Seychelles
    [SL] => Sierra Leone
    [SG] => Singapore
    [SK] => Slovakia
    [SI] => Slovenia
    [SB] => Solomon Islands
    [SO] => Somalia
    [ZA] => South Africa
    [GS] => South Georgia/Sandwich Islands
    [KR] => South Korea
    [SS] => South Sudan
    [ES] => Spain
    [LK] => Sri Lanka
    [SD] => Sudan
    [SR] => Suriname
    [SJ] => Svalbard and Jan Mayen
    [SZ] => Swaziland
    [SE] => Sweden
    [CH] => Switzerland
    [SY] => Syria
    [TW] => Taiwan
    [TJ] => Tajikistan
    [TZ] => Tanzania
    [TH] => Thailand
    [TL] => Timor-Leste
    [TG] => Togo
    [TK] => Tokelau
    [TO] => Tonga
    [TT] => Trinidad and Tobago
    [TN] => Tunisia
    [TR] => Turkey
    [TM] => Turkmenistan
    [TC] => Turks and Caicos Islands
    [TV] => Tuvalu
    [UG] => Uganda
    [UA] => Ukraine
    [AE] => United Arab Emirates
    [GB] => United Kingdom (UK)
    [US] => United States (US)
    [UM] => United States (US) Minor Outlying Islands
    [VI] => United States (US) Virgin Islands
    [UY] => Uruguay
    [UZ] => Uzbekistan
    [VU] => Vanuatu
    [VA] => Vatican
    [VE] => Venezuela
    [VN] => Vietnam
    [WF] => Wallis and Futuna
    [EH] => Western Sahara
    [YE] => Yemen
    [ZM] => Zambia
    [ZW] => Zimbabwe

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