How to Get Approved My Blog in Google AdSense

Google AdSense is the best making money in the internet, most website owners / Blogger’s dream of to approved their application, but some Blogger’s fail there AdSense application because they did not meet the requirements, their not patients, they rushing on signing up, if you signing up without meet the requirements you definitely fail.

Meeting the requirements to get qualified is easy, but needs patient off course you should create a content for your blog, any CMS doesn’t matter, WordPress or Tumblr are welcome as long as you meet the requirements

Don’t lost hope, next time achieve the requirements, watch this video “Google Adsense Requirements“, this video is part of the blogger tutorial series.

Complete Blogger Tutorial Series:
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Eligibility to participate in AdSense

Languages AdSense supports

AdSense Program Policies

Responsive Design Checker

Google Mobile-Friendly Test

Axl Travel Blog

Create Privacy Policy

Google Analytics

Google Search Console (Webmaster Tools)

Bing Webmaster Tools

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My advice guys don’t rushing applying in AdSense, just meet the requirements first, traffic is important, AdSense ad’s in the website is useless if your blog doesn’t have a traffic. If you’ve achieve the requirements I guarantee your application will be approved and be a YouTube partner too, YouTube partner can help to earn more. Good luck…

I’m not sure if this, based of my research before if you fail for first time on signing up in AdSense because your blog is not qualified, If you sign up for the second time you should sign up with a qualified new Blog and new email address to register. Don’t register again the rejected previous blog and email to register for the second time.

Not sure this thought, kindly research this matter…